Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Beginner Progression Trip - February 8th

Hi Everyone,

Mark your calendars for the Beginner Progression's next trip: Sunday, February 8, 2009.

Tentatively, the group is planning on paddling Dodge to Oxbow, but final decisions on the run, meeting time and place will be made as the date draws closer.

Contact Sue Scheppele ( if you are interested in attending or providing safety for the trip.



Monday, January 26, 2009

Beginner/Intermediate Trip - Dodge to Oxbow

Fifteen hardy kayakers tramped through the snow Sunday to put in at Dodge Park for the first Beginner/Intermediate trip of 2009. At 2,130 cfs, water covered many of the rocks but was not pushy. Waves in the middle of Pipeline Rapid prompted one swim - I've usually aimed more for the left side of the main flow. The wave at the bottom was tempting to the surf-inclined boaters, but few got very good rides. The wave right of center a couple rapids down also got quite a bit of attention and provided much better rides. Does anyone have names for these rapids, besides Pipeline? Then down past the long playground, the breaking wave at the bottom got a lot of interest, but again not too many good rides.

The rapid a half mile above Indian John Island caused one more swim. It used to be the left channel had the most flow and had a good wave or two in it, but over the last year or so, the middle channel has been eroded deeper and most of the flow goes there. The old left channel is bony and pretty treacherous to the unsuspecting.

From here on out, it was paddle, paddle, paddle. The river is pretty flat and relatively featureless. We saw many fishermen, most running cats down the river. I did not see any fish.

To avoid the entry fee and the slow, tedious drive through Oxbow Park, we took out at the youth camp immediately down stream. This location is about 1 1/2 miles past the boat ramp at Oxbow. It was a beautiful day with fresh snow in the trees, but blue sky and sun overhead. Thanks to Jim and Shell for leading the trip.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

TR - Beginning Intermediate Class, January 17

We started the day with some safety talk, played a game to learn one anothers' names and practiced with throw bags. Then we talked about some real river scenarios where throw bags are involved and what throw bags can and can't do. Then we played some more games to put throw bags into practical applications.

Next we got into our boats and played some games for paddle warm ups. Learned the differences in strokes and experimented with applying the paddle stoke techniques while paddling in a straight line, on edge and in circles.

After we played another game, we got out for some snacks.

We loaded up and headed up river, buddied up and discussed the safety signals we'd be using on the river.

We ran Fish to Bobs and the water was at a good level. This being my first season of kayaking, I personally don't remember paddling at this level: 2600 cfs.

It was good fun with swift water, some newly defined eddies and slightly pushy rapids. First we practiced ferrying and entering eddies at the top even with rocks in the way.

The first rapid around the corner toward Armstrong snagged a couple in the eddies against the wall since the eddy had a rather steep recirculating barrier, but everyone kept their head and we were quickly heading down the river. (All 18 paddlers)

We practiced ferrying and eddy crossing again and applied the stokes we had practiced earlier. That was all good fun with safe swift water and some surfing took place.

Armstrong Bridge rapid and Slingshot didn't pose any problems. We scouted Carter Bridge rapid. It was more open than I had seen before but we all ran the normal line of river left with a hard merge to avoid the holes past the submerged fan rock. I flipped and had a battle with the river for my paddle and made the mistake of thinking I had won the battle and relaxed to roll. Paul was right on top of my boat but unknowingly, I got out of my boat since I wasn't able to hand roll. (never had tried before that)

It was amazing to see Michael go down Rock n Roll holding his paddle in the air to show us the line.

Toilet Bowl was the most fun I have ever had in that rapid. Somehow I didn't keep my paddle AGAIN and just spun round and round. I came up, I went down, up, down. Loads of fun! Hilarious but I guess you had to be there. Four or 6 paddlers swam through this rapid but I didn't hit any rocks :)

The day was long and everyone seemed like they had a great time. I can hardly wait to become a more solid paddler! A year or two and my paddle runs will be wide open. Now to find a leash to attach my paddle to my neck. See if I can't hold on to the bugger. My friends all say, it is hard to drop a paddle with pogies on. I think the river can take it anytime she wants if I'm not vigilant.

THANKS TO MICHAEL AND PAUL plus the class for an awesome day!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Beginner/Intermediate Trip Sunday (1/25/09)

I'll be leading the first beginner/intermediate trip of the year this coming Sunday, January 25, 2009. Runs under consideration include Revenue to Dodge or Dodge to Oxbow on the Sandy or Glen Avon Bridge to Feyrer Park on the Mollala. Final decision on river and meeting time/place will be made on Friday.

All runs are considered Class II/III, depending on flows, so boaters should be comfortable in that type of water.

If interested, drop me an e-mail, so I can get an idea of how many we will have.

Come on out and enjoy our wonderful Oregon winter.

See you on the river...

Jim Funk
V.P. Oregon Kayak and Canoe Club

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rogue Trip Presidents' Day

The OWA/OKCC Rogue Trip will run over Presidents' Day, February 14, 15 and 16. A slideshow from the Veterans' Day trip last November is running over on the right hand column. There is room for one or two more kayakers on this really fun event.

We're Up!

The OKCC has changed to a blog system to provide up to date information to its members and interested boaters. The blog replaces the newsletter. The blog is much more timely and is less costly too. We'll have information about upcoming events as well as trip reports on recent events. Welcome!